Learn how to Journal - Video Course

Learn how Journal with my pre-recorded Video Training Course. Take the course at your pace.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to keep a Journal? Well, now you don't have to wonder anymore, because in this comprehensive video course, I will take you through all the aspects of journaling. You'll learn how to set up your journal, how to get going, what sort of things to write down and how to wrap up an entry on a daily basis. 

Why should you Journal?

Journaling can help you to reduce stress, improve your immune functions, it keeps your memory sharp, boosts your mood and strengthens your emotional functions.
With so much focus on our mental health currently, journaling is a great way of helping to manage those thoughts and feelings and make a bit more sense of them.


It’s an amazing course Matt. I highly recommend this course if you have toyed with the idea of journaling, but don’t know where to start - 5 ⭐️

Nicky Dunn
Founder, Pi Society

An easy to follow course to get you started on journaling, answering all your real questions like 'what is it, how do you do it, why do it and who else does it.?' Matt offers a flexible approach and gives great examples of what you might journal about. The overall message is just do it and reap the rewards.

Nathan Hind
Civil Servant

I’ve been journaling for a few years now. This course is perfect for beginners and it’s great for seasoned journalers too. I loved the flow of the course and Matt shares some great ideas with thought provoking questions to get you in the mood for writing

Dickie Armour

Course Summary

In this course, together we will look through all the aspects of journaling. Everything from how to get going, through to the advanced techniques and what to actually write down when you don't think you have anything to say.

Take a look at the curriculum below. There are 15 separate videos (with the first 2 available to watch right now, for free!) going through all the vital steps you need, to ensure you know exactly what you're doing. 

Course Curriculum

Matt Young

Matt is a hugely experienced communicator & broadcaster. He wants to help people to communicate better and journaling is a great place for that to start. If you have difficulty discussing your personal thoughts and feelings with others, writing them down in a Journal will be a wonderful outlet. 

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Learn how to Journal


  • Everything you need to know about Journaling. What is it, how do I do it, why should I do it and what are the benefits?

    • 15 Videos
    • Everything covered in under 45 minutes
    • Downloadable worksheets
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